Monday, July 4, 2011


"People don't notice whether it's winter or summer when they're happy." - Anton Chekhov

Not only is that video itself cool, but I think the song has an important message for us all: "It's okay to not like things, but don't be a dick about the things you don't like."

Last night, my great grandma (who will be 95 later this month and is doing fairly well other than being hard of sight and hearing) had some other relatives take her down to the local park- which is situated right on the bank of Lake Ontario- to watch the fireworks that they launch from boats.

I was busy watching a comedian at a homemade drive-in with my cousins, so I wasn't actually there, but I heard all about it this morning.

My grandma apparently especially wanted to go see them because she's not sure if she'll be around to have another chance, and because she used to go dancing down in that tiny little lake town 80 years ago. This coincides rather well with the fact that I'm reading a book in which the main character's dying grandma was born the same year I was. (Memorable quote: 'What's OMG mean?' 'I don't know. Try asking your grandma.'")

We also found said grandma's brother's English notebook, which I have enjoyed reading immensely.

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