Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Plotting & Stuff

Whatever the new Doctor Who episode was called...it was awesome. I can't wait for the next one. I love the weeping angels.

In Creative Writing, our assignment is to plot out a novel, making sure we follow 3-Act, and preferably also 8-Sequence structure. So I'm taking advantage of the time and working on the plot for The Family Business. At the moment, it's turning out to be more of a comedy than I thought it would be. Hopefully I can pull it off. As of now, I'll be doing it for NaNoWriMo this year.
Our unit on plotting has been fascinating.

Editing another 50 pages of Clockwork to send to you. Once I give you these, you'll have read up through page 150. Sorry these are late.

Not much else has been happening, other than that I found a cool new blog: http://thedarksalon.blogspot.com. Mostly about plotting (we were told to explore the post archives during class today).

I can't watch a movie anymore without thinking "Look! A ticking clock!" or "Long Dark Night of the Soul!" or "Gathering the Team scene!"

It's rather annoying. Even though it's probably helpful.


  1. Just stumbled on this blog, but you must be talking about Save The Cat. Excellent book series! If you have any interest in comedy, I also recommend Elephant Bucks by Sheldon Bull (one of the late Blake Snyder's writing buddies).

  2. I've no idea what Save The Cat is...
    **goes to Google it**
    No, I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about Alexandra Sokoloff's blog about plotting: http://thedarksalon.blogspot.com. Just like I said.
    But it's basically the same thing, from what I saw.


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