“Hope gives us as a species and as individuals what we otherwise wouldn’t have — a chance.” - John Green
I've had this window open all day waiting for something worthy to post, because it won't save as a draft and I wanted the quote.
My song didn't make it on to Jingle Spells 4, which is disappointing but not surprising. As I said, it was a bit out of my range. However, everything but my singing was awesome, if I might say so myself. It'll be available for free download online before Christmas, and I'll give you the link ASAP.
I'd post a lyric-free version here, but they might have the rights to that as well as the with-lyrics version, so I'm going to take the safe route. At any rate, I expect the CD to be awesome.
That's the bad news.
The good news is that Mom took my query packets to the post office today. Most of the return times on the various agents' websites were between 4 and 8 weeks, so expect a major follow-up on this entire post around then (I expect that's when the songs will be posted as well).
A word of advice for anyone querying based on information from http://www.agentquery.com: It's a great site, but some of the information is outdated/general. Always check the agency's actual site for the current submission policies, and read the specifics for your agent. Some like email, some don't. Some want different amounts of pages along with your query. Some want a SASE, and some just want you to include your email address. Which you should include anyway, by all of the stuff I've read.
Wait! So you are worried that you don't have the rights to a version of your own song? I'm not saying that you are wrong, but I do think that this is further evidence that something is wrong with US intellectual property laws! Now to try and write a thorough response to the previous post...